apa itu GH dan KH?


kawan-kawan, saya mau tanya, apa itu unsur GH dan KH?
dan apakah dua unsur itu penting juga untuk diperhatikan dalam salwater AQ (kebetulan rencananya FOWLR)?



thanks for the info :D nyari-nyari di google, saya dapet ini :
KH is carbonate hardness, temporary hardness, buffering capacity or alkalinity. This is a measure of the amount of buffering minerals in the water (mostly carbonates), that resist acidification of the water (it is basically the lime scale you see in the kettle).

The higher the KH, the more resistant your water will be when it comes to pH changes. Basically, if you were trying to use CO2, your KH should be no lower than 4dH otherwise, you have to monitor your pH carefully as low KH often results to pH crash. Your KH should measure higher than 4dH so large pH swings can be avoided.

To clarify further, KH is basically a pH buffer. The higher your KH, the more stable your pH will be and the more difficult to adjust your pH. If your KH is lower than 4, pH swings are likely to happen. Adding sodium bicarbonate will increase your KH therefore stabilizing the pH and preventing it from decreasing in all of a sudden which could result to pH crash killing the fish. If you use RO water, its KH is basically non-existent or zero, so pH can change dramatically with the use of RO water.

GH is general hardness or permanent hardness and is a mixture of calcium and magnesium salts. GH is independent to KH and pH.

nah bung nugraha, dari artikel yang anda kasih ada tulisan :
...Saltwater is not tested for general hardness because calcium and magnesium levels are tested separately...
berarti hasil test GH buat saltwater gak valid ya? ato gak perlu di peduliin?

thanks :smt002


kalau mau dites sih boleh2 aja, tapi GH sebagai indikator gak kepake di urutan iterasi parameter check.

Begini, ultimate goal kita di saltwater tank kan mendapatkan pH yang stabil di angka ideal (betul?). Kalau pH ternyata tidak stabil, selalu swing naik-turun, kita pertama2 check KH-nya. Biasanya KH kerendahan umumnya. Kalau kerendahan dinaikkan sampai ideal, sehingga pH bisa ditahan di level yang kita inginkan --> jadi KH sebagai buffer indikator.

Kalau KH ternyata gak bisa dinaikkan juga, kita check Ca. Kita koreksi Ca berlebih? kurang?
Kalau koreksi Ca gak mempan juga menstabilkan pH, kita lalu check Mg.
Begitu seterusnya iterasinya. Jangan semua dikoreksi bersamaan, repot tuh fine tune-nya.

Ca dan Mg kalau digabung kan dapet GH sebetulnya, tapi karena urutan tracing-nya terpisah, GH jadinya tidak bisa dijadikan patokan.

CMIIW -betul?

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