cara mengatasi lumut.


New Member
salam para pengasuh forum, saya ada sedikit masalah dengan lumut nih, mohon masukannya...

aqua saya ukuran 120*55*60 + sump 100*40*50
uda cycling kurang lebih 2 bln
DIY coil denitrator
DIY fluidizer (rowaphos)
DIY skimmer
Lampu Dymax 54watt 2x
Wavemeker Resun 15000A

CD & Fluidizer uda jalan sekitar 1 bln, kemaren test output dari ke2 alat tersebut uda hampir 0
Lampu nyalan sekitar 9jam/hr
WM nyala sekitar 12jam/hr

yang saya mau tanyakan :
1. lumut coklat yang nempel dikaca koq blom ilang2 juga (nitrat n phospat uda rendah)
2. di LR juga tumbuh lumut merah n ijo

notes : saya belum pernah ganti air, mungkin minggu ini akan ganti 20%

mohon saran dan masukannnya.




New Member
kaca sumpnya tebal brp pak?

air untuk top upnya di tes kadar PO4nya. Mungkin penyebab di air top up.

Air nya ganti pak.

DIY skimernya pakai aqua galon pak?



New Member
lampunya buatan mana ya pa? soalnya kalo made in china pasti akan banyak mengeluarkan lumut. aquariumnya kena matahari ga pa?
trus apakah skimmernya selama 2 bulan bekerja dengan baik? soalnya skimmer juga bikin pengaruh untuk ngilangin lumut juga.

waktu itu sy juga pernah muncul red slim algae pa yg dikarenakan skimmer tidak bekerja dgn maksimal dan kurangnya arus di dalam aqua saya.
smoga membantu. :D


New Member
THX pak atas responnya, maaf br sempat ol hari ini...

tebal kaca sump semua sisi 5mm, bagian bawahnya 8mm.
apa pengaruhnya pak?

skimmer sich uda berjalan baik, hasil skimmatenya kek lumpur2 gt
mungkin dari air top upnya yach? blom pernah cek soalnya

klo lampu saya kurang tau buatan mana hehehe...




Active Member
saya rasa sih tebal kaca ga pengaruh pak, dan kalo diliat alat2 yang dipake dah komplet (CD&Fluidizer) harusnya kadar nitrat dan phospat udah bisa ditekan. kemungkinan ya tinggal air top up nya. emang air top up nya pake air apa pak ?


New Member
THX pak...

saya pake air top up dari aqua isi ulang, blom perna test po4 dan no3 nya sich
sekarang pertumbuhan lumut coklat uda sangat lambat,
tp lumut ijo dan merah yang numbuh di LR masi banyak pak...

klo masukin biota, kira2 biota apa yang cocok buat makanin ke2 jenis lumut ini?




Active Member
Brati kemungkinan dari top up nya pak.saya pernah baca para senior ada yg cb test air mineral isi ulang emang masi mengandung phospat.bahkan kalo ga salah air RO pun ga 100% bersih,tp emang kalo dibanding mineral isi ulang msh jauh lebih bagus RO.knp ga pake RO jg pa,kan sama2 isi ulang jg tuh.
Setau saya pemakan lumut ikan jabing pak,tp saya sendiri lum pernah pake/pny pengalaman.dgr2 jabing byk jenisnya dan ga tau jg apakah smua jabing pemakan sgala macam lumut jg.slain itu jenis botana katanya jg mau makan lumut tp ga seheboh jabing.
Mohon maap bl salah harap dikoreksi


New Member
Saya barusan test kadar PO4 , anehnya AQUA galon lumayan tinggi bahkan depot isi ulang Ro juga tingi , untuk top-up akhirnya saya pakai air minum merk Ayya, yang saya test kadar PO4nya cukup rendah. Alat test saya bandingkan dengan air top-up accu dimana kadar PO4 nya 0.
Untuk pembersih lumut di pasir saya pakai bintang pasir, cukup memuaskan ya, tanpa membuat badai pasir dan tidak seserem jabing tokek :) ( tapi ini yang katanya paling efektif)


New Member
THX pak...

mungkin gara2 aqua isi ulang yach yang kandungan PO4 nya tinggi
sehingga lumut masi dapat tumbuh biarpun rowaphos uda jalan...
emank aqua isi ulang beda sama RO? hehe maklum pemula :lol:

kalo boleh tau bintang pasir seperti apa yah pak?
dipasir lumutnya juga banyak tuh...
saya lagi mo cari2 jabing, uda muter2 di sumenep n kartini
tp ga perna nemu jabing godlok...

botana doyan nya lumut ijo kan pak?
dulu perna pake jabing godlok, cmn 3 hari lumut abis 50% lebih...
tp itu dlu sebelum saya set ulang :lol:




New Member
pak moderator ..jika tdk etis/menyalahi net etiket didelete aja posting an saya ini...

hi TS Newbie....turut prihatin dgn masalah aqua anda....
kebetulan saya ada copy an article yg berhubungan dgn lumut i, saya copy paste dr forum tetangga.

mungkin bisa jadi bhn referensi...thx

Blue Green Algae Article
Blue-green algae and erythromycin
by (Tony Clementz)
Date: 7 Feb 92
Newsgroup: rec.aquaria
I’ve followed the postings about blue-green “algae” and Maracyn (erythromycin) the last few weeks and the following is an attempt to review some facts about erythromycin (the active ingredient in Maracyn) and blue-green algae, with special emphasise on the use of erythromycin for treating blue-green “algae” infections.
Thats right. The correct name is blue-green bacteria (or cyanobacteria for those latin freaks out there). So without going into a lot of details, blue-green algae is a bacteria so an outbreak of the stuff in your tank is actually an infection.
It is important to know that blue-green bacteria comprise a large and heterogeneus group of organisms. Not even the color is the same. Some are green, some blue-green, and some are red. They can be found almost everywhere in nature. They are usually more tolerant to extreme environments than “normal” algae and can be found in hot springs as well as saline lakes. Drying your gravel and tank is subsequently not an efficient way to get rid of them. Some species can even be found in the middle of the dessert. Blue-green bacteria efficiently absorbes light between 550-700 nm, which is roughly the same as for plants and green algae.
As we all know, they thrive in warm water, rich in nutrients. However, many blue-green bacteria is not dependent on nitrite, nitrate, or ammonia, since they can use molecular nitrogen (nitrogen fixation). This all leads to the well known conclusion - once established in the tank, they are a pain in %&#-%&. I wonder how many potential aquarium hobbyist has been lost because their first tank became covered in green slime within six month.
Bacteria can be divided into two groups, either Gram- negative (G-) or Gram-positive (G+). This classification is based on if the bacteria stains (+) or not (-) in a special staining technique - the Gram staining (invented by Christian Gram). Positive or negative staining reaction reflects a fundamental difference in the structure of the cell wall of the bacteria.
Erythromycin is more efficient towards G(+) bacteria than G(-). It is one of the safest antibiotics, meaning that it does not affect plants, fish or animals. Blue-green bacteria belongs to the G(-) bacteria but it is a special case with respect to sensitivity to antibiotics (i’m on thin ice here, but I think I am correct). They are more sensitive to erythromycin than other G(-) bacteria. Fortunately, the bacteria important for the nitrogen cycle (your biofilter) are of the G(-) type and are much less sensitive to erythromycin than the blue-green bacteria. So your biological filter is “fairly” safe.
The reason that some tanks experience an ammonia peak after treatment with erythromycin is (probably) not because the biological filter is non-functional. It is more likely that it is because of the high content of protein released from the dead blue-green bacteria which is broken down to ammonia and/or nitrite by the “good” nitrifying bacteria in your biofilter. This boost of protein to be broken down upsets the finely tuned balance of different bacteria in your filter. (Actually, if you killed of all bacteria in your tank and filter, you would never get ammonia).
In many countries in Europe there are restrictions on buying antibiotics. You usually need a prescription. I suggest contacting a vet. If he can prescribe antibiotics for a mouse I’m sure he can do the same for your tank. Remember, your tank is infected.
First a few things NOT to do (my own, very personal, experience).
If you have an established infection, do not try to get rid of it by turning the lights of. Most likely this will get you into more trouble. Your going to kill of the “good” algae and the plants, but the blue-green bacteria is going to return when you turn the lights back on (usually more fiercly than before).
Personally I don’t like copper. Copper is poisonous to everything - plants, fish, and bacteria. At least in Europe, most “miracle” treatments you buy contains copper.
You could try manually removing the blue-green algae, combined with extensive water changes. But in my experience it’s fruitless, unless you spend all your free time with your fingers in the green slime. Ever tried to clean the stuff away from Cabomba or Java fern? Then you know what I mean.
Of course, tank hygien is important. Regular water changes and all that. But for those who has been doing it all according to the textbook and still wondering if your doing something wrong, don’t despair, you have’nt been hit by a blue-green curse.
Me myself, I get an infestation in about every second tank (freshwater) I set up. These does not correlate to any increase in ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate (I do not keep check on phosphate, but I plan to). One exception is tanks with soft and acid water. You rarely find blue-green bacteria in these tanks since most bacteria, including blue-green, do not like acid conditions.
The followin is my suggestion for battleing blue-green algae:
First make sure that it is blue-green bacteria and not the “normal” algae. Remember that erythromycin is ineffective on anything but bacteria.
Day 1.
Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin. If you have a protein skimmer, turn it off. I believe it will inactive a lot of the antibiotic through coprecipitation with protein. It will, however, be very usefull later.
Day 2.
Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin.
Day 3.
Now you should see a lot of dead blue-green bacteria floating around in the tank. Increase filtration (a second mechanical filter if possible) to get rid of it. If you have a protein skimmer, turn it on. The critical thing now is to get rid of as much protein (dead bacteria) as possible to avoid a peak of ammonia.
Day 4.
Most blue-green bacteria should be dead by now. Try to clean out as much as possible of the dead stuff. I use a jet stream of water from the outlet of a canister filter to remove it from plants and decorations. Combined with the second mechanical filter, this works fine for me. Let the filter work for a couple of hours then make a 50% water change. Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin.
Day 5-7.
Wash the mechanical filter at least once a day. Keep check on ammonia and nitrite but do not change any water unless absolutely necessary. The extra filter can be removed as soon as the water clears up.
Day 8.
Make a 30% water change. Add 1 mg/L erythromycin.
From now on, resume your normal maintenance.
The concentration I use is in theory a bit high and getting up where it should starts having an effect also on G(- ) bacteria. When I started using erythromycin I had problems using lower concentrations in the tank. It was not very effective. It might be time to check it again.
One word of caution. Only use erythromycin when you really need it or you might end up with blue-green bacteria resistent to the antibiotic.
My practical experience of using erythromycin to battle blue-green bacteria is limited to my own few tank (and some friends). It would be interesting to get some feedback from people with experience (good or bad) of battling blue- green bacteria (with or whithout erythromycin). I would of course post a summary of the response.
Submitted by Ron Reisdorf

@ntony !eonardo

Active Member
Any volunteers want to translate the text above? Hehehe....

Biasanya depot isi ulang itu, kandungan nitrat dan fosfatnya tinggi. Bisa diliat di kertas uji mutu yg ditempel. Biasanya dikasih tahu brp kandungannya (ada tentang kandung bakteri Eschericia coli juga,dll)


New Member
THX pak atas masukannya...

kemaren uda beli botana, buat kontrol lumut (jabing ga perna nemu :( )
moga2 aja bisa di kontrol pertumbuhan lumutnya...

selain bintang pasir, ada lagi ga biota yang makanin lumut di pasir?




Mengenai "green-blue algae article" masuk akal jg seh jika beliau memang termasuk bakteri bukan alga. Coz, bakteri gram+ sngt peka dg eritromisin sdgkn bakteri filtrasi tdk mati dg eritromisin krn gram-. Tapi perlu dperhatikan, eritromisin pd manusia dpt memperberat kerja lever, nah pd biota laut gak tau dah tuh...


New Member
Untuk ngatasin lumut, selain botana dan jabing.. coba dgn snail om.. bisa turbo snail ataupun cowry snail.. pict nya sdh saya post di 4S section, itu termasuk snail yg makanin lumut dan hasilnya cukup efektif.. smoga membantu..
trus mengenai blue green algae article.. mohon para senior menaggapinya nih.. bgm pengalaman penggunaan AB erytromicyn dan derivatnya atau kalo perlu AB generasi terbaru.. :D :D terhadap penanggulangan blue green "algae" yg ternyata coloni bactery.. dan tuk membedakannya gmn ya.. antara coloni bactery dan coloni micro algae ??, dan perlu diperhatikan pemakaian AB yg tdk sesuai akan menimbulkan reaksi resistensi shg malah susah dibasmi dan makin booming.. hoby nih emang rumit.. selain jadi plumber, electrician, chemical freaks, nutritionist.. and now.. physician.. :roll: :roll: ...salam


New Member
THX pak atas tanggapannya...
saya uda beli jabing, hasilnya lumayan lah, tar coba d cari snailnya :D

klo mengenai artikel di atas, hmmm... ilmu saya blom nyampe tuh hahaha
masi asing kata2nya bagi saya :D

@ntony !eonardo

Active Member
Ikan yg suka makan pasir adalah kapalan. Sebetulnya bukan dimakan sih, tapi semacam dikumur dan dibuang lewat tutup insang. Coba saya kurang tau apakah ikan ini makan lumut yg ada di atas pasir atau tidak.


New Member
THX pak,

tp katanya klo kapalan bikin pasirnya berantakan yach?
tar malah jadi berantakan posisi pasirnya hehe...

jabing uda sep d klo makanin lumut di LR n kaca aqua,
tp yg dipasir nih yang bikin bingung...


New Member
@ntony !eonardo said:
Ikan yg suka makan pasir adalah kapalan. Sebetulnya bukan dimakan sih, tapi semacam dikumur dan dibuang lewat tutup insang. Coba saya kurang tau apakah ikan ini makan lumut yg ada di atas pasir atau tidak.

Wiw,menarik ni.....kalo boleh tau ikan kapalan yang bagaimana om.....nama beken/pasarannya apa?Kalo ada pictnya lebih bagus.Saya pernah lihat si ikan yang suka makan pasir(makan pasir ato sekresinya pasir ya saya lupa) yang mulutnya kaya betet itu,apakah itu yang dinamakan dengan ikan kapalan?Trus saya ga berani beli ikan tersebut karena makan pasir saya kira kaga' reefsafe(berpotensi gigit coral).

Mohon pencerahannya.
Salam. :D

@ntony !eonardo

Active Member
Bro,sebetulnya dibilang ngaduk banget jg enggak,cuma yg jd masalah kalo qta taro koral (misalnya: jamur) di atas pasir,kadang pasir yg dimakan kesembur ke atas karang. Maaf, ada yg salah, kalo kapalan emang nyemburin pasir. Kalo yg keluarin lwt tutup insang modelnya sejenis jabing

Bro,bsk ta coba post picnya yah.

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