ROWAphos, ROWAcarbon, ROWAkalk & ROWAlith


Active Member

D-D ROWAphos is the professional method of removing Phosphate and Silicate in all types of Aquariums and Ponds. It has the largest absorption ability of any phosphate product and will not leach back in to the water

ROWAphos is the most effective phosphate remover on the market today. It is widely used in Europe and is now finding success in the United States. ROWAphos was developed in Germany to reduce Phosphates in the Main Water Supply. It is being used in lakes and ponds and has been refined for the Aquarium Market. ROWAphos will not only remove phosphates but will never release them back into the system.

It has the largest absorption ability of any phosphate product in the market today. This saves the need for immediate removal once the media is full. The product is easy to use and will improve the water quality wherever Phosphate or Silicate is a problem. It is of interest to Marine and Reef Aquariums where its unrivalled capabilities have shown it to be extremely beneficial in the control of nuisance algae’s and the growth of hard corals. Unlike other phosphate removal products, it does not shock the animals or cause problems when used regularly. In fact constant use of the product is recommended, as its abilities to control nuisance algae is a major benefit.

Advantages of using D-D ROWAphos Phosphate Absorbent:
Extremely high binding capacity
Needs very little room in the filter system
Simple Handling
No influence on pH
Does not release toxic substances back into the aquarium when exhausted
Removes 12G of phosphate per kg of media:

100mL - Removes 1ppm phosphate from 630 gallons of freshwater and 315 gallons of salt water
250mL - Removes 1ppm phosphate from 1580 gallons of freshwater and 790 gallons of salt water
500mL - Removes 1ppm phosphate from 3160 gallons of freshwater and 1580 gallons of salt water

Hallo semua nya.....
Sekarang ROWAphos bisa dibeli dalam ukuran 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml dan 100ml
Tujuan nya untuk membantu teman teman reefer yang merasa keberatan bila harus membeli dalam kemasan 1000ml atau 5000ml.
Khusus kemasan 500ml, 250ml dan 100ml cuma dalam kemasan plastik karena diketeng. Tapi khasiat nya tetap terjaga karena dikemas dengan rapat dan kedap udara...

ROWA phos 5000ml Rp 3.200.000
ROWA phos 1000ml Rp 700.000
ROWA phos 500ml Rp 375.000
ROWA phos 250ml Rp 215.000
ROWA phos 100ml Rp 110.000


ROWA Carbon contains extremely low levels of Phosphate, unlike many low cost carbon products on the market place which are washed in phosphoric acid as a final stage of preparation and which can release high levels of phosphate into the water.

ROWAcarbon 1000ml Rp 250.000
ROWAcarbon 5000ml Rp 750.000


It has long been known in a reef aquariums that the inhabitants are constantly in need of calcium to build their skeletons and shells. Administering ROWAkalk to your aquarium will enhance pH as well as binding phosphates, therefore enhancing protein skimming. ROWAkalk is the ideal supplement mix for producing kalkwasser.

Calcium hydroxide should only be administered after the calcium hydroxide (kalkwasser) mix has cleared. The cleared and fresher the solution, the better the results. Mechanical stirrers are highly recommended to dose kalkwasser.

To obtain the best results, you should use DO or RO water. Dosing should take place at the lowest point of the pH cycle. This normally being at night approximately 5 to 6 hours after the light have been turned off. Attention should be paid to the pH when dosing as it could rise to dangerous levels if administered to fast.

ROWAkalk Rp 275.000


The recommended media for Deltec Fluidised Calcium reactors and is 50:50 blend of Rowalith C and Rowalith W.
Instructions for use of ROWAlith C+
This material must be washed very very thoroughly before placing inside your Fluidized Reactor, if you do not do this the reactor will run cloudy.

ROWAlith-C is a natural material specially chosen to produce the highest calcium output in your Fluidized Reactor.

Set the reactor to run between 30 to 40 dKH. Measure the water from the reactor after allowing it to run for 24 hours, from the output flow.

ROWAlith 1 bag (12.5KG) Rp 1.250.000
ROWAlith 1 kg Rp 100.000



Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

Sungguh Boss yang baik hati semoga dilaunching ini temen2 dapat terbantu.
Sukses terus Boss Ben, semoga rezeki lancar. :smt023


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

chipacofish said:
Sungguh Boss yang baik hati semoga dilaunching ini temen2 dapat terbantu.
Sukses terus Boss Ben, semoga rezeki lancar. :smt023

Thx bosss...... :D


New Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

mantapppppp bossssssssssssssssssssssssss


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

widiiihhh kereeeeeennnnnnn !!! hehehe oia kalau d order k bdg bsa ga bos ??


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

eche said:
mantapppppp bossssssssssssssssssssssssss

Ditunggu di toko yah ntar sore.. hehehe....

Ricky said:
widiiihhh kereeeeeennnnnnn !!! hehehe oia kalau d order k bdg bsa ga bos ??

Bisa kok Pak...nanti kita bantu paketin pake TIKI..Tapi ongkir dicharge ke Pak. Untuk ongkir silahkan cek di website TIKI aja.THX


New Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

ayas kata apa mas....LAKU KERAS KAN....!!!!


yg lain di ecer juga mas......

ZEO gak di ecer mas....????


Well-Known Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

yah telat baca nih gw......
minggu dpn deh kalo gak ada halangan meluncur.


New Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

Waduh ketinggalan kabarny.........
jd nyesel beli yg Gede....... :(


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

shinrei said:
Waduh ketinggalan kabarny.........
jd nyesel beli yg Gede....... :(

Ga papa pak...yg gede habisin dulu aja. heheeh....

creepychilds said:
wahh sip bgt nih. bulan depan deh bos ben. :D

Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

Pak Benny, maaf ada sedikit pertanyaan, selama ini saya kan pake media phospat ini merek Kent Marine, apakah cara pemakaian rowa ini sama dengan kent marin...? atau ada perbedaan pak...?
kalau berbeda mungkin bisa di bantu pak setelannya seperti ap...? makasih pak.


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

The_Amazing_Renno said:
Pak Benny, maaf ada sedikit pertanyaan, selama ini saya kan pake media pospan ini merek Kent Marine, apakah cara pemakaian rowa ini sama dengan kent marin...? atau ada perbedaan pak...?
kalau berbeda mungkin bisa di bantu pak setelannya seperti ap...? makasih pak.

Sama saja pak...Biasa Rowaphos dimasukkan dalam Fluidizer reactor, lalu dikasi feed pump maks 500L/h saja. Kalo bisa sebelum diinstal dicuci dulu biar merah merah nya ilang dulu. Thx udah belanja

Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

B4n1c0T said:
Sama saja pak...Biasa Rowaphos dimasukkan dalam Fluidizer reactor, lalu dikasi feed pump maks 500L/h saja. Kalo bisa sebelum diinstal dicuci dulu biar merah merah nya ilang dulu. Thx udah belanja


ok makasih banyak pak.......


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

pak mau nanya biasanya kalau 100 mili rowaphos untuk tank brapa liter yah ? mhon bantuan nya sbelum saya memesan


Active Member
Re: ROWAphos...available dlm 5000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml

Ricky said:
pak mau nanya biasanya kalau 100 mili rowaphos untuk tank brapa liter yah ? mhon bantuan nya sbelum saya memesan

Hallo pak...kalo 1000ml buat 4000liter air, berarti 100ml buat 400 liter air.


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