memang timer sangat membantu membuat kita lebih simple dalam waktu penyinaran dan tidak ada istilah lupa matiin, terlambat nyalain :lol:
biasanya memang actinic dinyalakan 1jam sebelum dan 1jam sesudah main light on.. mungkin untuk meniru kondisi subuh dan senja :?:
ini ada kutipan pembahasan di forum lain semoga membantu, dan mengenai pencahayaan sangat bergantung kepada apa yang ingin kita pelihara di tank kita
Back to some basics and intermediate subjects.
1. Lighting ....
First of corals need X amount of PAR-Hours every day.
By PAR we are talking about the amount of
photosynthesis available Radiation they are getting.
So if they are getting 20 PAR units for 6 hours it is
almost the same as 10 Par units for 12 hours.
However all photosynthesis organisms need both a
photosynthesis time period as well as respiration
period so turning your lights on 24 hours because you
do not have enough PAR may solve the photosynthesis' s
problem but will cause a new problem with lack of
Basically it is almost better to have to much light
and run a shorter cycle than an extremely long cycle.
However there is a point where excess light will
actually burn corals. Different corals have extremely
different needs as well as tolerances here.
Never rate lighting by watts. If you look at some of
the PAr rating on lightbulbs for the aquarium you will
find that some 250Watt MH bulbs produce with the right
ballast can produce 2 to 3 times the PAR as a 400Watt
bulb from another manufacturer.
Read Read and Read more on lighting before purchasing
garbage. And there is alot of garbage out there that
sounds great if you go by the manufacturers
ini sebenernya jawaban atas pertannyaan saya dahulu ketika baru memulai aquarium laut dengan menggunakan lampu T8 hagen aqua glow dan marine glow, memang jawabannya agak nyelekit dihati saat itu tapi ada benarnya juga